Free Data Modelling Tools

21 rows  This article is a comparison of data modeling tools which are notable, including standalone.

Active5 years, 6 months ago
  1. With the recent tip on the native SQL Server data modeling capabilities, questions arose about data modeling alternatives in the marketplace. The native tools are a very valuable free solution, but may lack advanced functionality needed in some circumstances. As such, this tip outlines the data.
  2. Mar 25, 2016  Here are the three major enterprise-grade data modeling tools:. CA ERwin. Embarcadero ER/Studio. SAP PowerDesginer I started using ERwin in 1996, PowerDesigner in 1999, and I've evaluated all three several times as part of a software selection.
  3. Below you find the list of data modeling tools.Only serious tools are mentioned here. There are about 50 database modeling tools on the market but most of them don't come close to the tools mentioned in the list below.

Could you guys recommend me a good db modeling tool? Mainly for SQL Server...


Jonathan S.
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closed as not constructive by LittleBobbyTables, Robert HarveyOct 29 '12 at 22:12

Download Free Data Modelling Tools

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18 Answers

If it is for SQL Server I like the DB Diagram from SQL Server Management Studio.

David BasarabDavid Basarab
44.3k41 gold badges121 silver badges151 bronze badges

If your employer is paying, ER Studio is fantastic. I don't know how other people can function without it. It easily makes me 50% more productive.

Bob ProbstBob Probst
7,1248 gold badges29 silver badges38 bronze badges

StarUML has a module that allows for the creation of Entity Relationship Diagrams. However, I've never used it for this purpose, so I don't know how good it is, but I do like StarUML for UML diagrams.

Thomas OwensThomas Owens
72.8k91 gold badges285 silver badges420 bronze badges

Funny as it is I've found:

to be useful in a pinch. I'm also a fan of his Instant SQL Formatter though by 'instant' he means 'not T-SQL' so you have to some slight hand editing of Profiler recorded statements to use his system fully.

20.8k10 gold badges57 silver badges64 bronze badges

I heartily recommend Sparx Enterprise Architect.

Alternatively Visio for Enterprise Architects works moderately well and you could get it together with Visual Studio.

Ilya KochetovFree Data Modelling ToolsIlya Kochetov
15.7k5 gold badges39 silver badges57 bronze badges

ERwin Data Modeler is the best tool for Enterprise database modelling in my opinion.I've used it a number of times and it is great.See:

It is a little bit pricey, but it is worth it. You can also trial it for free.

9,0706 gold badges34 silver badges67 bronze badges

I tried Navicat Data Modeler. It's the best data modeling tool I've found so far. It has a free version.

Free version can be found at: Navicat Data Modeler

Sergey Glotov
17.5k11 gold badges76 silver badges90 bronze badges

If you mean for drawing Entity Relationship Diagrams, then I suggest Visio. It will even build your database from the Diagram.

4,3851 gold badge24 silver badges31 bronze badges

try for MySQL


I tend to use SQL Server Management Studio also for quickly doing stuff, but when I am doing the actual implementation or more advanced stuff I use EMS Sql Manager. It is quite a nice tool with far more advanced and more numerous features than Sql Management studio. You can think of it as MS SQL Management Studio on steroids. Takes a bit of getting used to the UI though, but still straight forward enough. And if you get their package with all their peoducts you get a ton of great utilities as well.

If its just diagramming thoguh i will use Visio.

13.9k4 gold badges31 silver badges43 bronze badges

I've been using for some time with great success what used to be called 'Case Studio'. It's now called 'Toad Data Modeller'..

It's pay, but quite good, worth at least a trial.

2,7081 gold badge15 silver badges12 bronze badges

Personally I always liked Dia, it's ubiquitous, portable, easy to use and supports a whole bunch of other diagrams other than just ER/UML so I can use it to make diagrams for non-techies.

David HolmDavid Holm
12.6k6 gold badges42 silver badges46 bronze badges

ModelRight, from is very good for physical modeling. Excellent support for Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc.


I used pencil and paper quite successfully to get the initial entities and relationships down. Especially good if designing with other people, you don't get distracted by the GUI interface, mousing around, getting the background gradients right, etc. Then you can translate it into Visio or Dia or a UML tool that generates both the SQL Schema and your object model...

Free Data Modeling Tools For Sql Server


Usually after this time constraints mean you end up in TOAD or your DB tool of choice getting the tables, indexes, foreign keys and stuff implemented in straight SQL or with their table designer tool. Changes will inevitably come up downstream so don't spend too long getting things exactly, just get the structure right.

16.2k4 gold badges45 silver badges59 bronze badges

You can draw ERDs using GraphViz records. That will not trak/organize your metadata, geneate your DDL or anything else for that matter - but it will give you an entity relationship diagram that you can easily edit/update.

It will handle all the layout/arrangement details of the diagram for you. It does a pretty good job of this. It is sort of a declarative diagram-drawing language. Very simple to learn. Requires nothing but a text editor to use. Many applications use its abilities behind the scenes to generate their diagrams also.


I second Embarcadero ERStudio. Not cheap but powerful, multiplatform and really easy to use.

2,9965 gold badges26 silver badges32 bronze badges

Free Data Modeling Tools For Postgresql

Well, if you're using SQL Server, as I've mentioned in other posts Visio probably will work really well for you. You probably already have it or your IT shop does so the cost is negligible and it can import an existing database or if you build from scratch can export it to a designated SQL Server.

I've used it several times and have been happy with the results.


ModelRight is the best tool out there - especially for the money.

2,3252 gold badges27 silver badges45 bronze badges

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Database Modeling Software Free

This article is a comparison of data modeling tools which are notable, including standalone, conventional data modeling tools and modeling tools supporting data modeling as part of a larger modeling environment.

Physical Data Model Tool


ToolCreatorTarget Business SizeLicenseSupported Database PlatformsSupported OSsStandalone or bundled into a larger toolkitLaunch Date
AstahChange VisionEnterprisesProprietaryMySQL, Oracle,Windows, macOS, LinuxStandalone2006
Database Deployment ManagerThe Unauthorized Frog projectSMBs and enterprisesLGPLCUBRID, MySQL, SQLiteWindows, LinuxStandalone2010 ?
Database WorkbenchUpscene ProductionsSMBs and enterprisesProprietaryMS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Firebird, InterBase, SQL Anywhere, NexusDB, MariaDBWindows, Linux and FreeBSD (both through Wine)Standalone2001
Enterprise ArchitectSparx SystemsSMBs and enterprisesProprietaryIBM DB2, Firebird, InterBase, Informix, Ingres, Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SybaseWindows, Linux (Wine), macOS (via CrossOver)Data modeling is supported as part of a complete modeling platform.2000
ER/StudioEmbarcadero (acquired by IDERA)SMBs and enterprisesProprietaryAccess, IBM DB2, Informix, Hitachi HiRDB, Firebird, Interbase, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Netezza, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Teradata, Visual Foxpro and others via ODBC/ANSI SQLWindowsStandalone1998
Erwin Data ModelerERWin (formerly CA)SMBs and enterprisesProprietaryAccess, IBM DB2, Informix, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Netezza, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and others via ODBC/ANSI SQLWindowsStandalone1998
MagicDrawNo MagicEnterprises, SMBs, personalProprietaryMS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2Windows, Linux, macOSStandalone1995
SQL Server Management StudioMicrosoftUnknownProprietaryMS SQL ServerWindowsStandalone2005
ModelRightModelRightEnterprises, SMBs, personalProprietaryAccess, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2WindowsStandalone2005
MySQL WorkbenchMySQL (An Oracle Company)SMBs - personalProprietary or GPLMySQLLinux, Windows, macOSStandalone2006
Navicat Data ModelerPremiumSoftSMBs and enterprisesProprietaryMySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLiteWindows, macOS, LinuxStandalone2012
NORMA Object-Role ModelingTerry HalpinSMBs and enterprisesCPLMySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2WindowsVisual Studio Extension2005
Open ModelSphereGranditeEnterprises - SMBs - personalGNU GPL3MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2Windows, macOS, LinuxStandalone with Data, UML, and process modeling2008
Oracle SQL Developer Data ModelerOracleEnterprisesProprietaryOracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2Cross-platformStandaloneUnknown
PowerDesignerSAPSMBs and enterprisesProprietaryAccess, Greenplum, Apache Hive, HP Neoview, IBM DB2, Informix, Ingres, Interbase, MySQL, Netezza, NonStop SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Red Brick Warehouse, SAP business Suite, SAP Hana, SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, SAP IQ, SAP SQL Anywhere, MS SQL Server, TeradataWindowsStandalone1989
Software Ideas ModelerDusan RodinaEnterprises, SMBs, personalProprietaryMS SQL Server, MySQLWindowsStandalone2009
SQLyogWebyog, Inc.Enterprises, SMBs, personalProprietaryMySQL, MariaDBWindows and Linux (using Wine)Standalone2001
Toad Data ModelerQuest SoftwareSMBs and enterprisesProprietaryAccess, IBM DB2, Informix, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, SQLite, OracleWindowsStandalone2005 (before this date known as CaseStudio)
ToolCreatorTarget Business SizeLicenseSupported Database PlatformsSupported OSsStandalone or bundled into a larger toolkitLaunch Date


Free Data Modelling Tools For Sql Server

ToolSupported data models (conceptual, logical, physical)Supported notationsForward engineeringReverse engineeringModel/database comparison and synchronizationTeamwork/repository
Database WorkbenchConceptual, logical, physicalIE (Crows feet)YesYesUpdate database and/or update modelNo
Enterprise ArchitectConceptual, Logical & Physical + MDA Transform of Logical to PhysicalIDEF1X, UML DDL, Information Engineering & ERDYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelMulti-user collaboration using File, DBMS or Cloud Repository (or transfer via XMI, CVS/TFS or Difference Merge).
ER/StudioLogical, physical, ETLIDEF1X, IE (Crows feet)YesYesUpdate database and/or update modelER/Studio Repository and Team Server (formerly Portal/CONNECT) for collaboration
MagicDrawConceptual, Logical & Physical + MDA Transform of Logical to PhysicalIDEF1X, UML DDL, Information Engineering & ERDYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelMulti-user collaboration using File, DBMS or (transfer via XMI, CVS/TFS or Difference Merge).
MySQL WorkbenchPhysicalIDEF1X, IE (Crows feet), UML, and moreYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelNo
Navicat Data ModelerConceptual, physicalIE (Crows feet)YesYesUpdate database and/or update modelNo
NORMA Object-Role modelingConceptual (ORM), Logical, PhysicalORM, Relational(Crows feet option), BarkerYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelNo
Open ModelSphereConceptual, Logical, physicalIDEF1X, IE (Crows feet), and moreYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelNo
Oracle SQL Developer Data ModelerLogical, physicalIDEF1X, IE (Crows feet), and moreYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelYes
PowerDesignerConceptual, logical, physicalIDEF1X, IE (Crows feet), and moreYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelYes
Toad Data ModelerLogical, physicalIDEF1X, IE (Crows feet), and moreYesYesUpdate database and/or update modelYes

Data Modeling Software

See also[edit]

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