Free Topographic Maps

Southern New Jersey in the middle of the twentieth century, from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection. These maps replaced the older 15 minute (1:62500 scale) nineteenth century topo's and had a style that is similar to the newer USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps. Custom-printed topographic (topo) maps, aerial photos, and satellite images for the United States and Canada. Printed Maps Shipped to You Custom topo and satellite maps, USGS quads, and land ownership maps.

Mercury MESSENGER Global Digital Elevation Model

From the USGS press release:

The first topographic map of Mercury was released by the U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona State University, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and NASA. This high-resolution map provides the first comprehensive view of Mercury’s entire surface, illustrating the planet’s craters, volcanoes and tectonic landforms...

Moon LRO DTM's and Mosaics

USGS LMMP products will soon be available at the LMMP Portal. These include very large high resolution DTMs and orthomosaics of close to 50 key sites on the lunar surface, and high resolution controlled polar mosaics. These products constitute an important initial step in processing LRO datasets and should greatly facilitate the exploration and study of these significant lunar sites.

Mars Control Networks

The U.S. Geological Survey has recently completed a final revised version of its 231 m/pixel global Viking image mosaic of Mars that has substantially improved geodetic accuracy compared to versions released in 1991 and 2001. This mosaic, known as MDIM 2.1, is currently available in the USGS ISIS file format and will be formatted and submitted to the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) in...

Control Networks

Distributed here are control network data for solar system bodies (planets, moons, and asteroids) other than the Earth. Each control network is essentially a set of photogrammetric or radargrammetric solution (input and output) files. The input files consist of, aside from a priori information, measurements of common points (control points, or sometimes tie points) on images of...

Moon Control Networks

Lunar Orbiter Lunar Control Network 2004

The USGS worked to digitize and restore a global set of Lunar Orbiter images and to assemble this into a global digital Lunar Orbiter mosaic of the Moon. A separate Lunar Orbiter Control network is being created as part of this work. For additional information, see the Lunar Orbiter Digitization Project [Gaddis et al., 2001a, 2001b, 2003; Becker...

Seabed maps showing topography, ruggedness, backscatter intensity, sediment mobility, and the distribution of geologic substrates in Quadrangle 6 of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region offshore of Boston, Massachusetts

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Sanctuary Program, has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) region since 1993.

Attribution: Natural Hazards, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Aquifers: Map of the Principal Aquifers of the United States

Free topographic maps for garmin

The areal and vertical location of the major aquifers is fundamental to the determination of groundwater availability for the Nation. The map, which is derived from the Ground Water Atlas of the United States, indicates the areal extent of the uppermost principal aquifers on a national scale.

Topographic Maps

Topographic maps are a signature product of the USGS. They were essential for integrating and analyzing place-based information, and were widely used by receationalists. After 125-year legacy of topographic mapping (1884-2009), the USGS embarked on an innovative future of integrating historical maps with computer-generated maps from a national geographical information system (GIS) database.

Grayscale Scanned 100K USGS Quadrangles

Attribution: Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Shawnee Reservoir Data Viewer

View topographic and bathymetric contour data and simulate Shawnee (Twin Lakes) Reservoir inundation areas for selected (and real-time) water-surface elevations.

Funding partners: City of Shawnee

Livestock manure study area, Lake Wheeler Road field laboratory

The USGS and EPA project will be conducted at the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Lake Wheeler Road Field Laboratory (LWRFL) in Wake County, North Carolina. The LWRFL is an agricultural site used for both research and teaching purposes. The farm contains both a swine facility and a dairy facility with each having two animal-waste storage lagoons.

Attribution: South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC)

The Roanoke River Study Area

Attribution: Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center

What are USGS Topo Maps?

If you’re looking for topographic maps for the United States, the first place to look is the USGS topo maps series.

Since 1884, the purpose of these general use maps has been to display the complex, changing geography of the United States.

This includes hydrography, place names, contour lines and cultural features of the nation.

So how do you get your hands on USGS Topo Maps? We show you 2 quick ways to download USGS Topo Maps.

How to Download Free USGS Topo Maps with the National Map Viewer

Currently, the most recent version is published as “US Topo” and stored in digital format on the TNM Viewer.

Depending on your needs, you can choose “US Topo” or “Historical Topographic Maps” in the TNM Viewer. Otherwise, you can download the raw vector and raster GIS datasets in the bottom option.

Free Topographic Maps Illinois

By default, your current extent is the search area. However, you can enter latitude and longitude coordinates or draw a polygon extent to change it. Also, you can filter by date period in the advanced option.

Finally, you can click “Find Products” if you want the current “Topo Maps” or the “Historical Topographic Maps” version. From here, it’s a matter of adding your items to your cart and downloading it as a PDF.

For the US Topo maps that you want to download, simply click the “Download” button under the “Cart” tab.

Of course, the advantage of TNM viewer is that you can preview the USGS Topo Map before you download it. Unless you want topo maps in Alaska, they are based on 1:100,000 and 1:24,000 scales.

How to Download Historical USGS Topographic Maps with TopoView

One of the neatest things about USGS topographic maps is how some of them date back to 1884. Like a time capsule, you can really explore these historical maps in the USGS TopoView application

As part of the Historic Topographic Map Collection (HTMC), you can filter USGS historical topographic by time period. Simply, move the time slider and it will filter and preview the Topo maps.

Similar to the TNM Viewer, add items to your cart that you want to download. In order to do that, you have to click anywhere on the map. In addition, you can preview the topo map in the viewer which is a neat function.

From here, you can download the JPEG, KMZ, GeoTIFF or GeoPDF by clicking the option on the right.

Free Topographic Maps For Garmin Gps

The USGS TopoView was specifically designed for the purpose of time. Because you can preview images and filter with a time slider, these qualities make TopoView extremely intuitive for the end-user.

Web Services (WMS) or Physical Prints

PDFs and raw data aren’t the only two ways to view USGS topographic maps.

If you have any GIS software installed on your machine, you can consume web mapping services like these National Map Service Endpoints. All you have to do is add these URLs to your map.

When you just want physical prints, you can visit the USGS store to get them delivered at a cost.

Overall, the natural and physical landscapes in the USGS topo maps have become an extremely valuable basemap source of data. Check out these sources and see for yourself.